Monday, June 21, 2010



thats me with my new prize, an infringement notice from the Victorian Police of.. Victoria.
Thanks Senior Constable Travis Stephens.

But really, with this fine addition to my other awards such as High Distinctions, F.N. Northcott Trophy, this really tops them all.

..Okay sarcasm aside, it is pretty disappointing to get booked. Especially for one of those new (really tight) road regulations. This one was for doing a u-turn through a continuous line. 

Yeah, ridiculous. On top of that, its a whopping $234 fine and 2 demerit points.
What a great way to end BSF right =P

Especially when money is tight and .. like I realised why we cling to money - because earn it. It's one of those things you feel like you deserve and belongs to you.

So, I'm a little strapped for cash lately, keep delving into my savings account and that, and have been asking God and talking to Him about this attitude I've got. I've never been that worried about cash, about spending on others and stuff - but lately I've been really really worried about money and how much I've got.

But with losing (and finding) my wallet the other week and this incident today, funny enough, God revealed a message to me, even in this frustrating situation.

BSF, John 11 was talking about how Mary and Martha had to deal with the death of Lazarus. But Jesus said that Lazarus death was to glorify God, much like the healing of the blind man (John 9).

God allows pain and suffering, often because in situations of hopelessness, God's power is most tangible.
So I suppose this.. disappointment, allowed God to manifest Himself.

I was asking God (when the lights were flashing behind me, making me feel like such a criminal) for grace and also what He wanted to show me out of this. And though there was a lot of disappointment 10 minutes ago, I've sort of nailed it on the head.

The fact that I am ABLE to pay $234. The fact that I can drive a car, and own that car. 

If you get my train of thought - The fact that I have a computer and can blog this using the internet, all these are signs of the reality that I am richer than 75% of the world.

There are countless people living in poverty, who cannot read, who don't even know if they will survive the night. 

So, in terms of material wealth, the lesson to draw from this is simply: Be Thankful.

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness" - Colossians 2:6-8

So yeah. God is sufficient as He is. Disappointing as this infringement may be, I'm glad to be endlessly blessed.

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