I'll never have to analyse an article ever again.
Unless I become an article analyst.
Yeah okay Ash.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I didn't have time to fill this post in until.. now.
Its in an Apple box because this is the iPhoto Photobook that you can make yourself! Drag and drop and then send it into Apple they'll print it for you and everything!
So this is my yearbook and it finally arrived today (Thursday) 9 business days after ordering it last Monday!
Perfect time to get people to sign it and write in it after tomorrow's English exam!
Oh and underneath that cover (the one that says "when we were young 08" with the 4 photos.) is THIS!
Its a beautiful hardcover, black book and I can't wait to get people to write lasting words in it.
I actually kinda think of like 30 years time, when I can read it and go - "wow how we've changed" or "I haven't seen her/him in ages" and .. yeah.
Exciting exciting!
Monday, October 27, 2008
So I made a bet with Radha that I could get more study done than her. (what was I thinking)

Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
To kinda make it uh, countable? We set each other goals just out of our realistic expectations.
Hers was some massive load of summaries and essays and like 4 specialist exams and yeah.
Mine was to complete Checkpoints for Methods (350 questions) and Checkpoints for Chemistry and Neap for Chemistry and 2 English Essays.
It's already 5:30. I fell asleep at 4 something. And I've only completed 102 Methods Checkpoints. haven't started Chem at all. Although the bet ends at 12 midnight, I'm declaring a resignation already.
My mindset is that english exam IS this Friday and I've got all of next week to study for Methods and Chemistry so it should be alright if I stop now and just do english.
So you win Radha, 5 bucks and slave for a day.
Heres something to make this post a little interesting.
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hard to Swallow.
Pretty unbelievable.
The ending of school still hasn't kicked in yet, but when it does I bet it'll suck pretty hardcore.
Graduation was a great formal occasion.
Valedictory has got to be the best night I've had so far, spending the night with the boys and .. yeah was just phenomenal.
The feeling is still kinda surreal.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yesterday was the last day with the year 12 girls, and tomorrow is graduation.
I'm singing the graduation song for tomorrow, it's Coldplay - Fix You, but its an acoustic version with 2 acoustics and a piano. It should be good, the harmonies sound real good too.
Just hoping I don't choke up (like a pansy) whilst singing it! Blah.
Been taking pics. That one there is my favourite.
Au Revoir
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Chanchal Panwar, I love you and happy 18th.
This month also had:
Kamal turn 18
Vicky turn 16
Tron turn old
Srinath turn 18
Will have Shivani turn 18
Adrienne turn 17
James turn older.
And Khanh turn 17.
Happy birthday everyone!
It's not fair.

For you techie geeks - guys and girls, here's some Laptop Porn for you.
It's not fair. I want one. Macbook and Macbook Pro, stop getting better and better. It makes me feel more and more insignificant with my old generation baby. One year and they'll probably be touch screen. *sigh*
Meanwhile, I have two days of school left, haven't done my iPhoto photobook thing and have to do so much!
- Exam revision.
- Graduation Song (originally called the valedictory song, until I was told its played at grad not vd. Why bother calling it a Valedictory song if its done at the graduation assembly? Urgh."
- Valedictory Speech (I got valedictorian! woo!)
- Suddenly I'm singing for a Music Performance 3/4 assessment song. Wow.
- Revue Song with Sarah Paletua and the King Bees. That'll be kicks.
- Exam revision.
- Monash Application. (omg thats quite desperate)
- Take more photos.
I just can't believe school is almost over. It's been hitting me in bursts, but I don't want it to end. How depressing.
I'll just go over there and grow my fringe, rock in a corner with black clothes and skinny jeans on and skateboard to the piercing shop, get a couple of lip rings and then skate over to the make-up store and stock up on my eyeliner.
Say bye. Kay bye!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Cooking Adventures with Spash.
My life just flashed before my eyes.

SO I decide to make chips for lovely lunch, as I have been these past few days. Using a pot of oil that I've maybe a little overused, once more, I heat it up WAY TOO MUCH. Like I take off the lid and its SMOKING. But me, being a dumbhead, puts a chip in anyway.
Let me remind you these Golden Crunch: Shoestring Fries are in the freezer and so gain a little frost i.e. water. Water + hot oil = explosion and death
It was ONE small fry and what happens.
I jump back as oil splatters everywhere. Somehow NOT getting burnt at all. The fries are still in there cooking as I take in how close I was to burning my beautiful face or marring my already marred wrists or something. (Uh, yeah everyones been asking me "what happened to your wrist") :

It sounds funny, I got the fading scar from 'running to Maccas' - little excited, tripped over. No one saw.
The new recent massive war scab is from running to Chemistry and missing a step and rolling with books in hand so nothing fell out, instead carpet grazing/burning my left wrist. Ok.
Anyhow, I eventually regained composure and took out the fries (which had been in here all of 30 seconds) and they're blacker than Arun.
Thats Arun.
So I wait a little for the smoking to subside, and when it's less, put one fry in again and this time is crackles a little. And in like 20 seconds its cooked. I think the oil is a little too hot still.
MIND YOU, I have much fry making experience thanks to lovely Hungry Jacks, but a machine maintains the heat - not me. But pretty sure when it takes 2 minutes 30 for fries to cook at HJ's, that 20 seconds means the oil is way too hot.
Or my fries are like.. nup can't think of a joke, sorry.
Anyhow, long story short, eventually I was able to cook my fries, and the black stuff is pepper not burnt crap. And now I'm eating then with salt and vinegar, and just realised that I'm also oiling up my keyboard. Mmm. I'm lovin' it.

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya. Jokes. No really. Not. Ha. Not really HA. Work that out. Kidding.
The Phillpines Philipines? Philippines. (Wow, bet that you didn't know how to spell Philippines either. One L and double P)
The home of talented talented talented people. Yeah, deserving of not one.. not two, but THREE 'talented's.
"American-Filo" to be exact.
The home of talented talented talented people. Yeah, deserving of not one.. not two, but THREE 'talented's.
"American-Filo" to be exact.
Why THREE "talented"s ?
Here's why:
please watch that. omgosh the second section, they do this amazing transformers thing its... wow.

Here's why:
Filipino's know how to MOVE!
The Philippine All-Stars have come placed in THE TOP THREE for the past 3 years at the WORLD Hip Hop Champs, taking Gold in 2008 and 2006. And in general, you see lots of slick moving Filo's on Youtube doing hiphop routines.
Filipino's know how to MOVE!
The Philippine All-Stars have come placed in THE TOP THREE for the past 3 years at the WORLD Hip Hop Champs, taking Gold in 2008 and 2006. And in general, you see lots of slick moving Filo's on Youtube doing hiphop routines.
please watch that. omgosh the second section, they do this amazing transformers thing its... wow.
If you haven't Youtube-d "Gabe Bondoc", "Passion", "RuSOUL", "AJ Rafael" or even "Cathy Nguyen" then do so, because the musical talent of this handful of filipino artists is so creative - in how they mix up songs that we know, create their own, and some of them even love God too which is an awesome bonus. And they're funny too.
He's sick, like cough cough, if you didn't catch it. But still, love the rendition of Pokemon.
I guess this is kinda a dud third "talented" point, cuz this is totally irrelevant to talent.
But, at least from my Youtube adventures, every filo guy is like buff. Like Passion and Gabe and AJ. Okay so I'm kinda having the narrowest scope of these uh 'pinay/pinoy's with my spectrum being limited to three youtube artists but who cares. PLUS I needed an excuse to post up photos of two incredible (at least I think so) looking Philippine/Dutch and Philippine/Chinese/French (omg) models - Leah Dizon and Misa Campo.

Marcus stop drooling.
You too Alex, although chances are you've discovered these girls before.
Jon, I know you've seen them before and probably have a folder full of photos of them and they may have even starred on your background once. Meh x] . Sue me.
And I write this for writing's sake, in no way are people of specific races or cultures BETTER than you and me, you and I have talents too, and places we can excel at. It just so happens to be that the Filipino's are some sort of freaky next evolution at man that are talented at everything. Leah Dizon is a SINGER, ACTRESS and HOT. What is this?!?! A little like BoA or Hyori or something eh Jon?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Don't You Hate It When:
To you its 3:50 in the morning, but because of daylight savings you're getting an hour LESS sleep - so its actually 4:50am.
Additionally you have to wake up at 6:45 (something like 2 hours time) for early morning worship practice? So you're gonna be fine until after church where you go home, probably nap and screw up your sleeping pattern even more?
Than you have school the next day?
And exams in 4 weeks?
Yeah hate those days.
On a happier note, Singapore Day still rings in my memories. Do read the previous post and try to WIN THE PRIZE of $10 VALUE! (read below to find out how!)
I s2 SG.
What type of freaky country devotes a day to give all of their people (whose roots lay in the country) free food and merchandise to subtly attempt to coax them all back to their homeland?

You're probably lol-ing your ass off right now, (point proven complements of julie chen)
but here's the thing. we all got so much free stuff we're allll overflowing. T-shirts, 'grooooovy' hats (as pictured with Le Pretzel) and so much more. A shirt that subliminally tries to get you back to Singapore .. "MY HEART LIES ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SEVEN KM ABOVE THE EQUATOR ON A LITTLE DOT" in bright colourful writing! AHH ! How could you NOT want to go back to Singapore permanently? I think I'll go back in January. Good job Singapore Day, you have convinced me.

A day in snapshots, and a video. =)

Power to the people.

My stylo-milo dog wearing the ultra cool funky fresh hat. Ell oh ell.

Sidney Myer Music Bowl. Packed full of Singaporeans (and a few Malaysian scabbers. Its alright we forgive you, we know you can't afford food back on your piece of land. We're Singaporean so we'll tolerate you - scum.)
HAHA! Nah, so crude ! Tsk! *slaps hand*
This one shall be snappy of the day cuz VH rocks! And we have the same shirt. Aw yeah.
Not gonna see me at Malaysia Day, hell no. That's if they can get enough money to run it.
Or maybeee they should just scab all the food for Singapore day and reuse it for Malaysia day.
The good ol' cross-Singapore-out-with-a-marker-pen-and-write-Malaysia-over-it trick.
I think she took seven shirts in total. Aggregate shirt count 9. *slaps* Typical.
Was seriously an unbelieveably spashtastical day.
Or maybe because I've been isolated all holidays from people in general (only times I really went out were to study or TSFX lectures or Jack's tutoring.) and have been just craving to get out of my cage to socialise for ONCE.
You can see the scratch marks all over the house, of my pain and suffering in wanting to leave.
Shall leave you with this!
and I fully did what I always look down on people who do what I did... on youtube (figure that out). Like when they speel something wrong really stupidly I think to myself what a moron.
Also realised I was quite rude to dad - "look how they make it (roti)" and I reply "I don't really..care I just wanna eat it"
Well here's TODAY's BLOGGING GAME! try and find where I spelled something wrong. The first three winning entries on the tagboard get a SINGAPORE BADGE AND THE FIRST GETS ALSO 10 DOLLARS! NO JOKE.
*To clarify, for the um, slower people *cough alex*, I mean find the spelling error IN THE VIDEO. The aforementioned speeling error in the VIDEO, not my post =P
Pays to read the entire massive post huh?
valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I just finished the latest Heroes. Quite cool, Sylar is working with the Company and future Peter has a 'put in body' ability, and at the end, Parkman has some sort of amazing .. white eyed experience that some of the characters get when their ability starts a-rockin'.
SO yeah. I just had my own Heroes-style, 'awakening'! My epiphany if you like: Like omgzors.
Go to sleep.
Yep, its 2 something world. My glasses broke at work the other day so I've been wearing contacts all day. They're drying up like mad. Wee.
Managed to take a photo of myself whilst I discovered my ability. You moron Ashley.
Thats what early morning boredom does to you.
Spasherific! Thanks for reading.
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