SO I decide to make chips for lovely lunch, as I have been these past few days. Using a pot of oil that I've maybe a little overused, once more, I heat it up WAY TOO MUCH. Like I take off the lid and its SMOKING. But me, being a dumbhead, puts a chip in anyway.
Let me remind you these Golden Crunch: Shoestring Fries are in the freezer and so gain a little frost i.e. water. Water + hot oil = explosion and death
It was ONE small fry and what happens.
I jump back as oil splatters everywhere. Somehow NOT getting burnt at all. The fries are still in there cooking as I take in how close I was to burning my beautiful face or marring my already marred wrists or something. (Uh, yeah everyones been asking me "what happened to your wrist") :

It sounds funny, I got the fading scar from 'running to Maccas' - little excited, tripped over. No one saw.
The new recent massive war scab is from running to Chemistry and missing a step and rolling with books in hand so nothing fell out, instead carpet grazing/burning my left wrist. Ok.
Anyhow, I eventually regained composure and took out the fries (which had been in here all of 30 seconds) and they're blacker than Arun.
Thats Arun.
So I wait a little for the smoking to subside, and when it's less, put one fry in again and this time is crackles a little. And in like 20 seconds its cooked. I think the oil is a little too hot still.
MIND YOU, I have much fry making experience thanks to lovely Hungry Jacks, but a machine maintains the heat - not me. But pretty sure when it takes 2 minutes 30 for fries to cook at HJ's, that 20 seconds means the oil is way too hot.
Or my fries are like.. nup can't think of a joke, sorry.
Anyhow, long story short, eventually I was able to cook my fries, and the black stuff is pepper not burnt crap. And now I'm eating then with salt and vinegar, and just realised that I'm also oiling up my keyboard. Mmm. I'm lovin' it.

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya. Jokes. No really. Not. Ha. Not really HA. Work that out. Kidding.
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