What type of freaky country devotes a day to give all of their people (whose roots lay in the country) free food and merchandise to subtly attempt to coax them all back to their homeland?

You're probably lol-ing your ass off right now, (point proven complements of julie chen)
but here's the thing. we all got so much free stuff we're allll overflowing. T-shirts, 'grooooovy' hats (as pictured with Le Pretzel) and so much more. A shirt that subliminally tries to get you back to Singapore .. "MY HEART LIES ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SEVEN KM ABOVE THE EQUATOR ON A LITTLE DOT" in bright colourful writing! AHH ! How could you NOT want to go back to Singapore permanently? I think I'll go back in January. Good job Singapore Day, you have convinced me.

A day in snapshots, and a video. =)

Power to the people.

My stylo-milo dog wearing the ultra cool funky fresh hat. Ell oh ell.

Sidney Myer Music Bowl. Packed full of Singaporeans (and a few Malaysian scabbers. Its alright we forgive you, we know you can't afford food back on your piece of land. We're Singaporean so we'll tolerate you - scum.)
HAHA! Nah, so crude ! Tsk! *slaps hand*
This one shall be snappy of the day cuz VH rocks! And we have the same shirt. Aw yeah.
Not gonna see me at Malaysia Day, hell no. That's if they can get enough money to run it.
Or maybeee they should just scab all the food for Singapore day and reuse it for Malaysia day.
The good ol' cross-Singapore-out-with-a-marker-pen-and-write-Malaysia-over-it trick.
I think she took seven shirts in total. Aggregate shirt count 9. *slaps* Typical.
Was seriously an unbelieveably spashtastical day.
Or maybe because I've been isolated all holidays from people in general (only times I really went out were to study or TSFX lectures or Jack's tutoring.) and have been just craving to get out of my cage to socialise for ONCE.
You can see the scratch marks all over the house, of my pain and suffering in wanting to leave.
Shall leave you with this!
and I fully did what I always look down on people who do what I did... on youtube (figure that out). Like when they speel something wrong really stupidly I think to myself what a moron.
Also realised I was quite rude to dad - "look how they make it (roti)" and I reply "I don't really..care I just wanna eat it"
Well here's TODAY's BLOGGING GAME! try and find where I spelled something wrong. The first three winning entries on the tagboard get a SINGAPORE BADGE AND THE FIRST GETS ALSO 10 DOLLARS! NO JOKE.
*To clarify, for the um, slower people *cough alex*, I mean find the spelling error IN THE VIDEO. The aforementioned speeling error in the VIDEO, not my post =P
Pays to read the entire massive post huh?
valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe valerie hoe
1 comment:
'where in the video'. 10 dowrahs for me.
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