I woke up at 12.30pm, (so its more of an afternoon + evening with God) and decided earlier this week that there is a need to get back 'on track' with God.
I use those words carefully, because often we go through life and say "I've got to get right with God" or "I gotta get back on track" - it sometimes makes it seem that at some stages we feel we are completely 'right' or 'on track'. Whilst we can be at points where we are more God-directed and God-centred, we have to also keep in mind we'll never be 100% 'right' with God; we never spiritually 'arrive'.
It's a big problem I face - I go to church, I do all these outside of church activities like BSF, Grow Group etc. And this is the case for many MANY Christians today. And though we don't say it, we many a'time act like we have hit 'spiritual maturity' and act like we have it all together. It's not so much consciously saying "I'm all that", but more the lack of trying to grow, and lack of pushing and pursuing His heart and the lack of intentionally sharing God with those who are yet to know Him.
We have to acknowledge and truly be convicted that we are SO FAR REMOVED FROM GOD, and it's 100% about His grace. His unending love and how much He gave for us so we could experience true life and true freedom.
I don't mean that we never spiritually mature, mind you, but more that we never hit a point where we can say "Yep, done. I am now Christlike. Level up."
That in mind - over the holidays, with the lack of things to keep you 'in check' (everything going on break - like Grow group, BSF, youth leading etc), as much as the relationship with God should be enough motivation to have Him in our thoughts - often it's not. It's human to need things to do, like regular Bible studies and meeting with other Christians.
In fact, I really see a large portion of Christianity is to do with people. In fact, number one is God - that you 'love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul' - and the second? Love your neighbour.
So if it's all about people, then those weekly meetings with other Christians is vital! Sharing with others is vital!
SO, without these things, I've been less disciplined, less in focus, the prayer life became sporadic, the devotions came on and off, talking to Him and listening to Him and reading the Word became random and almost when I needed it - rather than a daily commitment.
Thus, to today - where I'm have a 'day with the Lord'.
Sometimes we can place a lot of emphasis on one event or day - like a conference, or an eastercamp or something like I'm doing today. And no doubt, great things can happen - miracles, visions, insane convictions.
But I'm not banking on that today!
If that's God's plan, sure, go nuts, Your will, not mine.
However, today is more about getting the right perspective. About the baby steps.
I had a prayer session just now, and what came to me was this idea of taking steps into wet cement, where your feet really sink in. In this hustle and bustle world, with things getting insanely fast-paced and people wanting things more and more and quicker and now, we often think that our walk with God is all about sprinting and getting to 'spiritual maturity' as fast as we can.
But I reckon that it's really about taking those firmly rooted, founded, deep steps with God. Planting your feet on solid rock and moving forward. It's far less obvious the progress you make, but over time, you can look back and realise "Oh wow, I've climbed that mountain? I've gone this far?"
So I prayed for that, that today would be a shift of perspective, a step in the right direction. Where the devil could try and push me over, but I'm firmly rooted and held by the God who loves me so. Much better than taking quick steps and rushing, only to be pushed over quickly because it was an emotional high and I'm not sinking deep into the foundation which is Christ.
Anyway, then I read the devotional and it read from James 1:4
"Let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfectly and fully developed, lacking in nothing"It carries on
"To be steadfast is to be stable; a steadfast person is steady, calm and even-tempered, no matter what happens. When we mature spiritually to the point that we can maintain a level of steadfastness, then we do not react to every little harassing thing the enemy sends against us. Regardless of what he hurls our we way, we will not be impressed, afraid, easily upset, we wil not give up and not be moved if we are steadfast"
In order to be steadfast and immovable, we must know God and know Him intimately. We must be able to hear His voice when the storms of life are swirling around us.
WOW. Talk about Holy Spirit moment.
That whole vision of taking firm, rooted steps with God, really could be summed up with this one word: Steadfastness.
So that's my prayer for you and me - that we can realign ourselves with Him. That we can get to know Him intimately. And that we can begin taking solid, firmly planted steps, with the Lord, so that we are steadfast and do not waver when the devil sends things our way. It doesn't take an instant amazing, fantastic and miraculous bright light experience (although it does happen!), but more often than not, its those small but solid steps that take toward Him:
Try the typical Sunday School answers: Bible, Jesus, Prayer.
- Read the Bible more.
- Talk and share Jesus more.
- Pray more.
Easy, and yet, how often do you do all three? How regularly?
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