Monday, April 26, 2010

Three Things.

God has spoken so clearly these past few days, despite slipping up and being sometimes caught up in sin, He's used the mistakes as ways to express His voice even clearer:

First, was to know that as a basis for all things, that 'He chose to save us, before we chose to believe in Him.'

Nothing that happens through our faith, is due to us. It's because of God's willingness to save, to move, to heal, to empower, to inspire, to respond, that things happen; that lives are changed.

Second, follows from that, again a humbling message that 'I can only rely on His strength, and not my own - for by myself, I am nothing.' 

Too often we try to bridge gaps, or conquer sin, or be someone through our own strength and acts. We believe that in doing quiet time and reading the Bible or going to church, that the church will then grow, or we will be rewarded. We're then destined to fail, one way or another, if we rely on our own acts.
God doesn't owe us anything.
When we actually realise that we are weak without Him, that we falter on our own, and that He is a God that never fails, that is when God moves and the things we do come to fruition. Only through His power, and relying on His strength.

Third, was that 'when we step out (in faith), He steps in'. 

So though nothing happens out of our own accord and own strength and will, when we acknowledge who's ultimately behind it all and have that sense of humility, we don't sit and passively watch and expect God to move.
We ourselves have to take the step.

So reading the Bible to someone with the mindset that "I'm gonna convert this guy", won't get you anywhere.
But reading the Bible to someone with the heart attitude that "God would you move, and use me, because nothing I do matters unless you're behind it" will move mountains. 

Regardless, they both involve an action our behalf - so we need to step out in terms of our actions, our voice, our music, art, quiet time, prayer, commitment - we need to step OUT of our comfort zone, so God can step in and meet our expectation of His power and strength.

I've been so blessed, and motivated by these things, so thanks goes to Him for this new perspective.


Gabrielle Chea said...

we can achieve SO much with God behind us.

Anonymous said...

Very good stories~~ Thanks for ur sharing~~!! ........................................