Friday, January 22, 2010

His loving kindness

So, despite falling into procrastination and complacency even though I've had new year's resolutions to get back on track (and I HAVE been sort of fulfilling it), God is still working and moving in my life, and I am so grateful for His grace and kindness!

Started the year, bought the Bible study 'Jubilee' and haven't started it STILL - so a fail so far.
Have been praying a little more, but I should be just giving time constantly to Him whenever I can - and quiet time each day would also aid in that - so a fail still.
Been taking notes and absorbing the messages we've had at church - and they've been good! So success in that regard.

Chloe asked me to come to 3C (Christian City Church) to this Jesus Culture conference. As I was free tonight, I agreed.

Then satan tried to kick in.
1) I haven't been to a pumpy, shouty sort of church event in ages. Haven't been to Planetshakers or Hillsong style things in maybe 2 years. So this conference night rally was somewhat daunting - and I kind of had a bit of hesitance.
2) I had work this morning, and was really tired.
3) I had to 'take care' of SA guests
4) I have work tomorrow at 8am
5) My skin started peeling from the sunburn, and I felt socially awkward and don't like going out when I'm not as radiant as usual.
6) Apart from Chloe and Sharon, didn't really know anyone there.

So, naturally I sort of didn't want to go - but I made a commitment (thank God I did) and so begins this testimony of an awesome night.

Past few weeks we've been playing futsal a lot - and that put a strain on my right leg, in some unstretchable "mysterious region" (groin/thigh area).
So much to the point where after maybe 20/30 minutes of just walking around (at work or at a shopping centre) I would be in such pain that I'd be limping and need to take a break/sit down.
Can't explain to you how ridiculous the pain was, seriously.

Come tonight, during worship, prior to the message, one of the speakers talked about Elijah and how he was against the prophets of Baal in a challenge to prove the power of their god. (1 Kings 18:16)
How Elijah absolutely SOAKED the altar in water, creating an impossible situation where God could tangibly prove His power and existence.
How God responded with fire, engulfing the altar and the Baal worshippers then realising the true God:

39 When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, "The LORD -he is God! The LORD -he is God!

And an idea (more like a nudge from heaven) sort of came to me (my leg was starting to play up from standing too long) - to just present my pain to God and although it might seem impossible, just give it to Him and let the problem be engulfed and transformed by Him.

I started to sing whilst only standing on the pained leg, and even when others were sitting down during the worship and I was aching a little, I decided to keep standing - on two feet or just one.
I felt like this was the equivalent of soaking my altar in a sense; like saying "God, I'm actually putting strain on my leg, and it wouldn't be likely for my leg to get better if there is stress on it".

And then by the end of the music session, no pain. There's a certain position that I can bend in which really hurts my leg, and that no longer hurt when I did it (it looks real awkward though).

In my head though, I thought, "Maybe it'll come back tomorrow.. so I won't tell anyone about it"

that is called UNBELIEF (its not a cool thing by the way, that unbelief stuff..)

What we need is FAITH, even if there is a sliver of doubt, continue putting the situation in God's hands.

So when the speaker started talking about healing, and talking about all these crazy stories about people growing back small joints, overcoming asthma and dyslexia or rising up from wheelchairs - God is awesome, and does these things, no doubt - but I just felt like it was a distant story. Like, it sounds nice but, I have never had that impact before.

Then the guy was like "Does anyone want to pray now?" - and started naming specific ailments - sports related injuries, asthma, joint related etc. And ALSO saying "How can you test it?" - so it was tangible that there was a change. And things happened, and people were coming up to the stage testifying about healings all around.

So then I eventually decided to tell Chloe that God had worked in my prior to the mesage, but I wasn't entirely sure - might wait it out. She kept on bugging me (God working through her) to go up and share with everyone, but I didn't feel it was necessary.

Kept bugging me.. and then I resigned and went up. And told a fairly good, confident testimony.

I can't recall EXACTLY what Chloe said that convinced me, but it was something about how going up on stage and overcoming this fear/complacency, might speak not only to others, but to me as well - confirm and reaffirm my faith, and to help get rid of my unbelief.

I encouraged people to get up and share, and not be scared or lazy, because its awesome and rewarding and, she was right, it did help me overcome my unbelief.

And thats it - God healed me tonight and He's still speaking to me, even right now.

At the end of the 1 Kings passage with Elijah, the people cried out and worshipped God.

I had soaked my altar, and given it to God. He had come down and healed me (equivalent of the fire) and the final bit was the people crying out.

I just realised whilst writing this that the entire passage relates to my experience tonight! Because of my testimony, (glory to God :) people had slightly more confidence and trust and belief in God. It might have been the nudge for someone to go up on to stage and in turn encourage others through their own testament of healing. It might have even pushed someone to end up 'falling prostrate and crying out - The Lord; He is God!'

It was definitely Him working, because it wasn't spurred by the healing message, and actually happened prior to the message (which I had no clue was the topic of tonight), and its more confirmation that it wasn't just me convincing myself there was no pain, but it was actually the healing power of the Spirit.

Thanks God for being so powerful, but also being so loving and kind to bless me, and everyone else tonight with a glimpse of your healing capacity.

1 comment:

Chloe said...

keep seeking Him ashface! =]
the rewards and blessings are just going to keep pouring out on you =]
and alllll praise to God for creating me as such an annoying person =P