Thursday, December 3, 2009

We all fall short

When you are caught up in the hype of hearing God and having a revelation, it builds us up for (sometimes) a bigger fall.

Other times, we just forget that we are human and we make mistakes and will always fall short of the glory of God. None of us are perfect, and none of us will ever reach a place of perfect spirituality and Christlikeness.

HOWEVER, it is no excuse, and when we do trip up and put God down a few notches and give Him a compromise of our lives, rather than the full thing, we need to recognise this and genuinely ask for His forgiveness, and that we be refined by this shortfall.

That is why we never surrender just once to God, but we constantly need to keep surrendering parts of our lives to Him, and constantly give more and more to Him.

We're self-centred, but that doesn't get us out of the fact that God deserves our all. When we do forget about our Creator and how much He deserves - and we realise that we get distracted - we've got to time, and time again come back to Him and ask for a more persevering, faithful spirit and attitude, constantly seeking self control and discipline, and revolving around an attitude to please Him.

God, if I failed you today, I pray that You'll forgive me, help me get up and move ahead, stronger and with a more determined and faithful heart.

On a lighter note,
I'm pretty proud of this photo :D

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